
Life is too short to do things we don’t love. Let’s be clear: not everything in life can be a party.

Sometimes, we need to engage in activities we don’t enjoy because they’re essential. A tennis player who loves playing matches must still hit the gym and train if they want to maximize their potential. That said, life is too short to constantly force ourselves to do things we don’t like.

My loved ones sometimes find me a bit individualistic. I simply enjoy being with people I truly appreciate. Why should I force myself to spend time with people I barely like? Not to mention those who, in my view, could have a negative influence on me or my loved ones. Life is too short.

At COTE 100, we avoid investing in areas we find ethically problematic: cryptocurrencies, oil, casinos, arms, payday lending, and the like. We might forgo some returns by limiting ourselves to sectors and companies that we find morally acceptable. Life is too short to act otherwise.

This is also why we’re selective about our clients. Most of our investors think long-term and understand our investment philosophy. They know we prioritize preserving capital over maximizing returns. We avoid investors seeking short-term, high-yield returns at all costs. Life is too short.

I’ve decided to focus my time and energy on what I love most about my work (is it really work?): researching stocks, analyzing companies, building portfolios, and, of course, reading and writing. Everything else will be minimized or eliminated. Life really is too short.

Warren Buffett often said we must learn to say “no” in life and in investing: “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” I need to say “no” to what’s unnecessary so I can focus my energy on what matters and what I can control. Among the unnecessary or trivial things, I’d include time spent on social media, geopolitical and macroeconomic news, and politics. Life is too short.

I read a dozen books during the holiday season. However, for some books I started, I simply decided to set them aside because they didn’t appeal to me. Why force myself to finish a book I don’t like when there are countless others I might enjoy? Life is too short.

In addition to working in a field I’m passionate about, I have the privilege of doing so surrounded by colleagues I adore. Life is too short to do otherwise.

Ultimately, life is too short to live it halfway. Let 2025 be the year you intentionally choose to live fully, surrounded by what and who you love.

Happy New Year!


Philippe Le Blanc, CFA, MBA
Chief Investment Officer at COTE 100


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